Sunday, February 10, 2013

All Hallows Eve

For Halloween I wanted to have Jeff dress up as a lumberjack and myself as a tree, but I was a procrastinator and didn't get my costume done. Last minute before we went out I remembered I had the most perfect fabric that I cut into circles and create a decent costume. We were...

A hunter and the hunters dog. I wore all white and safety pinned spots all over my outfit and wore my doggy mask I got a long time ago. Jeff had all of his gear from being a actual hunter. Everyone loved our costumes and I must say so did I.

We started off the night going to my sister Sommers house for pizza and then took the nieces and nephews out trick or treating. After our adventure there we went to my sister in laws house where they had a fire pit and treats out. It was a successful first married Halloween :)

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