Wednesday, February 18, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You...

I just went and saw this movie last night and a light bulb went off in my head. Im like the character Gigi always over analyzing everything a guy says and does. Everyone has put this in my head though. If a guy does or says this he likes you but if he does that oh no no he doesn't like you. Dating has become much too complicated for my liking. If I talk to a guy they automatically think I like them and want to pursue them. Its not like that though I just want to be friends with everyone.

What has the dating world come to? When did chivalry die and jerk come alive? In the movie they talked about how when your little a guy pulls your ponytail or pushes you down it means he likes you and I think we have all continued this mentality. Girls let the jerks push them around and yet their still there by their side. If I knew the answer to this I wouldn't of dated so many jerks so what makes girls stay and stick it out when there are so many great guys out there? And where are these great guys?

I know all my bloggers are all married so help a girl out! What signs should a girl look for in the beginning stage? What should we do and not do?
I took a poll from the girls at work and this is what they say....

Azul and Sasha are not dating anyone right now and this is what they say...
-Hes into you when he remembers little things youve said and trys to cheer you up when your down.
-Hes not into you when he "squeezes" the word friend out there. Or when they bring up a girl is hot or just bring up girls in general

Diana is happily Married to Daniel and this is what she says...
-Hes into you when he keeps eye contact and asks you alot of questions.
-Hes not inot you when wants to go for a drive meaning he wants to hook up and if he ends to date sooner than you think.

Rebecca is not dating anyone either and this is what she says...
-Hes into you when he is willing to make an effort to see you outside of "hanging out" or is willing/wanting to meet your friends.
-Hes not into you when if he asks you advice about dating.
when your hanging out with a group he pays you the exact same amount of attention or less, as to the other people in the group.

So bloggers ALL of you help us out here that are dating to know when "hes just not that into you" I know I can use all the help I can get :)


Kaylea said...

you need to guess some ribs and some ice cream, cause you've just been dumped.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that!! I love it Steph!! It is so true! It was a good movie though!

Gail said...

I loooved that movie and I've been married for 26 years! There are just some things that never change! Just remember that guys and girls think completely differently so analyzing never really works. Go with your gut. When it's right, it's right and believe me you'll know. You also have the advantage of having the Spirit to guide you so don't forget to listen to that still small voice and trust your instincts.

In the meantime just have fun and try not to worry about it. (Most guys don't worry about it until they're crazy about you. And don't discount your guy "friends", sometimes sparks fly after years of knowing someone in a platonic way. You are too cute for words and I have to thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. You have grown into such a beautiful woman and I just want to remind you that you deserve the BEST, so never settle for less than you know you deserve! It will happen before you know it:). Love you too!

Brian and Brianna said...

I agree with Gail go with your gut! Also some advice: Don't play "he hasn't text me yet so I guess I can't text him fist, so I'll just wait..." or "Well he called me first yesterday so I guess it's my turn.." I hate those games! If you like him and you want to talk to him call him text him whatever if he's into it you will know. obviously don't go crazy stalkerish with all of it. Anyway you will know when you found the right one when all those mind games stop it just feels right and different. You are an amazingly beautiful woman inside and out whoever snatches you up is the luckiest! I love you!!!

An Affair to Remember said...

I loved this movie! It made me gain a great hate for Scarlett Johansson though.... :]

The Brosemann Clan said...

i agreewith azul and sasha and with rebecca. I also agree with Gail and Bri. if you like him go for it, but not stalkery. if he's in to you he'll do the same. you'll know by the promtpngs of the spirit when it's right and when you've found the right one. just "go with the flow". love ya