Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reception Part Two

After oohing and awing at everything that was done we had family pictures taken by the fabulous Kacey Reed. She did such a great job and was so very patient with the kids and all of us running around. It was so ridiculously hot that day, I thought I was going to die. I never realized how heavy a wedding dress can get. It was like a suction cup holding in all the sweat. Somehow I survived.

Jeff and I decided we didn't want to do a bouquet toss, garder toss, cutting the cake or doing a receiving line. We did stick with a first dance, father/daughter dance and mother/son dance which I loved. Jeff and I danced to Joshua Radins song You Are Lovely Tonight. Joshua Radin is one of my favorite singers. My dad and I danced to Red Robin by Clark Richard. Finding a song for my dad and I to dance to was extremely hard. We share a love for the band Journey and he has introduced me to many "oldies" songs, but I couldn't find one that fit us like I wanted. I searched google and youtube countlessly until I literally stumbled upon this song. When I first listened to it, it melted my heart. I may have cried a little bit too. The words fit my dad and I perfectly. Jeff and his mom danced to All To You by DJ Keo.

At all of my sisters receptions my parents have a special song they like to have played to dance to. We had decided the week of our wedding that it would be fun in the middle of the song to bust out a planned dance. So during the end of the song Forever by Chris Brown started playing and slowly family and friends started the dance. We thought it was fun and loved watching it on video.

The night consisted of dancing, sweating to death, and lots of fun! I loved every minute of it and so happy with how it turned out.

And they lived Happily Ever After!

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