Sunday, October 14, 2012

Meet Mr. Perkins

Jeffrey Scott as I call him or Handsome depending on the moment. We met at a get together very briefly and I thought he was cute. Shortly after my friend who was dating his friend asked if I wanted to be set up with him and of course I said yes. The date was set for December 23rd 2011. I went to my friends house and the boys were picking us up there. The guys planned to take us out to the desert for a bon fire with s'mores and roasted starbursts. On our way out there we had Kesha blasting and I decided to just put it out there that I was a crazy car dancer. To my surprise Jeff jumped right in and started dancing with me. I was impressed that he had the courage to do that. We spent a couple hours out there talking and getting to know each other. After the bon fire we headed back and watched a movie at my friends house. This is when the story gets funny. My friend and her guy were on the couch cuddling while Jeff and I were on our separate Love Sacs. During the movie Jeff went to the bathroom and I hoped in his Love Sac. When he came in he was shocked that I would take it and sat down in the vacant Love Sac. I went to the bathroom shortly after and when I returned he had taken his Love Sac back. He did not understand what I was trying to do haha. I went to get a drink and while I was gone our friends hinted at him that I was not trying to "steal" his spot. He slowly got the hint. With their help we somehow got into the same love sac and finished watching the movie in that awkward heres my hand are you going to hold it haha. After the movie we ended up having a tickle fight. Mainly me tickling him cause I am not ticklish. It served its purpose cause we ended up cuddling and talking. It was late so we all got up to leave and Jeff walked me to my car. From the experience we had that night I bluntly said so are you going to get my number after he had said we should do this again. It was great first date and ended as you can see in marriage :)

Our first picture together


 Our true personalities. We are never serious.

 Our first vacation together to California.

I got him to use pore strips :)

To say I love this boy is an understatement. He has changed my world upside down and always for the better. Love him!

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